I actually found out about Pinterest from Sherry at YoungHouseLove almost exactly a year ago. And after 3000+ pins and 4000+ followers, she kinda created a monster!
I had been meaning to get involved in the now internationally known Pinterest Challenges and so here we are...

My inspiration was from Condo Blues.
Can you tell what I'm making?

Well if you didn't from the name of the post... it's A COMPOST BIN!!!
I know, it's not that exciting as making a table from scratch or perfecting a creme brulee... but this would cut our garbage down to one bag a month (we are big on recycling). I asked Lisa (Ms. Condo Blues herself. Well when she's not being The Lazy Budget Chef) how her bins held up after a few years and they are still going strong, with one small bump in the road.
So let my adventure begin.

First, I opted for a more natural colored bin since the neighbors would be able to see it. (I didn't know that YHL did the same thing :) ) Make sure that the lid snaps on tight, that way you aren't accidentally inviting the raccoons over for dinner.

I drilled holes using a 1/2" bit (slow speed) on the sides and bottom of the bin for aeration and drainage. Sometimes, the drill bit got caught. Probably because it was not from my Black & Decker bit set but rather from the dollar store. I did not drill holes in the lid for aeration like other sites suggested. I may regret this but since this bin is near the garden, I didn't want the bin's contents to wet when the sprinkler is turned on (Say no to slime mold). I set the bin on some pavers the previous owners left behind. That way there was also way for the compost to drain. All the sites I looked at said to keep the materials damp not wet.

Next was the fun stuff, making the compost lasagna. The bottom layer is organic materials. I used twigs and small branches. That way, there is air captured on the bottom.

The next layer is brown materials. Since I didn't have any dried leaves, shredded junk mail (the few pieces that make it through the DMA block) would do just fine. Hay, straw, egg shells work well too.

Top that layer with some noodles, er, I mean soil or compost. And mist it with water. The dirt will help break down the rest of compost pile.

So on to the green materials... some rotted romaine lettuce, berries gone bad, other veggies and coffee grounds. I was supposed to then add some activator such as alfalfa, bone meal, manure or other fertilizer but I didn't have any on hand. So after misting on last time, I closed the lid.
And crossed my fingers.
Here are some other helpful links:
PS: That cute little war ravaged doggie sadly passed away from cancer this week. Blitzkrieg will be missed by many especially his mom and dad.
PPS: If you would like to participate in any of my holiday community boards, just ask!

Oooh we need one of these. Ours is a pile in the backyard. This would obviously make much more sense and maybe stray animals wouldn't make homes in it. Hmm...
I'm sorry about your doggie. :(
Yay Heidi! I am shocked how little trash we produced each week once we added composting to recycling.
I'm flattered you like my project so much to try it yourself. Your tribute to my muse Blitzkrieg is so touching. Thank you.
What a great practical approach to composting-- anyone could follow your clear directions. Love the pictures!!
Hi Heidi! Finding you via Bloggy Mom's August Blog Hop! Can't wait to read more and get to know you better!
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